min read
July 10, 2024

Tips and Strategies for Success with Remote Designers

Discover top tips and strategies for hiring remote designers successfully.
Samrudhi Dash
July 10, 2024
min read
min read
July 10, 2024
Samrudhi Dash
Marketing Lead

Hiring the right designer for your team is important for your project's success and overall business growth. Designers are not just about creating visually appealing graphics; they play a key role in user experience (UX), brand identity, and the overall functionality of your product or service. Choosing the right designer can significantly improve your project, making it more engaging, user-friendly, and aligned with your brand's vision.

One of the most effective ways to assess a designer's capabilities is through a well-crafted test assignment. This approach goes beyond traditional interviews, offering a hands-on method to evaluate candidates' real-world skills and suitability for your team.

Creating a test assignment allows you to see how candidates think and work, revealing their true potential. It helps you understand their ability to tackle design challenges, use essential design tools like Sketch, Figma, or Adobe XD, and bring fresh, innovative ideas to the table. Additionally, test assignments highlight how meticulously candidates handle the finer aspects of design, such as typography and spacing, and how effectively they manage their time to meet deadlines.

This guide will walk you through creating an effective test assignment that reveals candidates' true skills and fit for your team. By focusing on problem-solving skills, technical proficiency, creativity, attention to detail, and time management, you can hire the best talent to drive your projects forward.

Hiring remote designers can be a game-changer for your business. It opens up a global talent pool, offering a range of skills and perspectives that can take your projects to the next level. Remote designers can bring flexibility and cost savings to your team, as you can hire from regions with lower living costs or where the talent market is less competitive. However, managing a remote team comes with its own set of challenges, from communication barriers to ensuring consistent productivity.

In this post, we’ll explore the benefits and challenges of hiring remote designers, key strategies for finding and vetting remote talent, including implementing creative recruitment strategies to reach and engage with candidates, and best practices for managing a remote design team effectively.

Part 1

Benefits of Hiring Remote

Hiring remote designers offers numerous advantages that can significantly benefit your business.

Access to a Broader Talent Pool:

Hiring remote designers offers numerous advantages that can significantly benefit your business. First and foremost, you gain access to a broader talent pool. By not being limited to a specific geographic location, you can find the best candidates and the perfect fit for your project, no matter where the designer is based. This access to a diverse range of talents can lead to more innovative and creative design solutions, as remote designers bring unique perspectives and experiences.

Cost Savings:

Cost savings are another significant benefit. Without the need to provide office space, utilities, and other physical resources, you can reduce overhead expenses. This financial flexibility can be especially valuable for startups and small businesses looking to allocate their budget more efficiently.

Increased Productivity and Job Satisfaction:

Remote designers often have more flexible schedules, which can lead to increased productivity and job satisfaction. Many remote workers appreciate the ability to create their own work environment and schedule, which can enhance their focus and efficiency. This flexibility also allows for better work-life balance, which can reduce stress and burnout, ultimately leading to higher retention rates.

Reduced Turnover Rates:

Moreover, remote work can help reduce turnover rates. Employees who have the option to work remotely often value the work-life balance it provides, making them more likely to stay with a company long-term. This stability can save your business the time and cost associated with hiring and training new employees frequently.

Hiring from Different Time Zones:

Hiring from different time zones can be a strategic advantage for your design team, offering round-the-clock productivity and the ability to serve clients in various regions more effectively. By hiring remote designers across different time zones, you ensure that work progresses continuously, even as team members in one part of the world are off the clock. This approach not only enhances your team's efficiency but also allows for a more diverse range of perspectives and ideas, enriching the creative process. However, it's essential to establish robust communication channels and clear protocols to manage this dispersed workforce. Utilizing tools like Slack or Trello can facilitate seamless collaboration, ensuring that all team members are aligned and informed despite the geographical distances. Additionally, being mindful of time zone differences when scheduling meetings and deadlines is important to maintaining harmony and productivity within your team.

Part 1

Challenges of Hiring Remote Designers

Despite the many benefits, hiring remote designers also comes with its own set of challenges.

Communication Barriers:

Despite the many benefits, hiring remote designers also comes with its own set of challenges. Communication can be more difficult without face-to-face interaction, leading to misunderstandings or delays. When team members are spread across different locations and time zones, it’s harder to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Building Team Cohesion:

Building a cohesive team culture is also more challenging when everyone is working from different locations, as spontaneous interactions and team bonding moments are less frequent.

Managing Remote Workers:

Managing remote workers requires hiring managers to have different skills and tools than managing an in-office team. Without direct oversight, you must trust that everyone stays productive and engaged. This means setting clear expectations and using the right tools to track progress and communicate effectively. Regular check-ins and updates are essential to keep the team aligned and motivated. Finding ways to keep the team spirit high and ensure everyone feels part of the group, despite the distance, is crucial.

Ensuring Proper Equipment and Workspace:

Another challenge is ensuring remote designers have the right equipment and workspace. Unlike in an office setting, where you can control the work environment, remote designers may face distractions or lack the necessary resources. Providing support and ensuring they have access to the tools they need is essential for maintaining productivity and job satisfaction.

Overall Management Techniques:

While hiring remote designers offers many advantages, it also presents unique challenges. Effective communication, team cohesion, and proper management techniques are key to overcoming these obstacles and ensuring a successful remote working environment.

Part 1

Finding Remote Design Talent

When looking for remote design talent, start by defining your needs clearly. Identify the specific skills and experience you require, and create detailed job postings that outline these requirements. Use various tools and social media platforms to promote your job postings and create compelling and creative job advertisements to attract top talent.

Platforms for Finding Candidates:

  • LinkedIn: This professional networking site allows you to see portfolios and past work, giving you a better sense of a designer's capabilities.

These platforms allow you to see portfolios and past work, giving you a better sense of a designer's capabilities.

Part 1

Job Boards for Remote Designers

These sites specialize in remote work opportunities and attract candidates who are specifically looking for remote roles. Additionally, consider reaching out to your professional network for recommendations. Personal referrals can be incredibly valuable in finding reliable and skilled designers.

Vetting Qualified Remote Designers

Once you have a list of potential candidates, the vetting process begins.

Review Portfolios Carefully:

  • Look for projects that demonstrate the skills you need.
  • Ensure the portfolio aligns with your aesthetic and functional requirements.
  • Pay attention to their design process and problem-solving approach.

Conduct Video Interviews:

  • Assess candidates' soft skills through video interviews to evaluate communication skills and personality.
  • Evaluate how well they express their ideas and collaborate.
  • Ask about their experience with remote work.
  • Inquire about how they handle challenges like time management and communication.

Small Paid Projects or Test Assignments:

  • Consider giving candidates a small paid project.
  • Evaluate their skills in a real-world context.
  • Gain insight into their working style, reliability, and ability to meet deadlines.

Managing Remote Design Teams

Managing a remote design team requires a different approach than managing an in-office team.

Clear Communication:

  • Use tools like Slack, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams to stay connected throughout the hiring process and beyond.
  • Facilitate regular check-ins.
  • Establish clear expectations and goals for each team member.
  • Ensure everyone understands their responsibilities and deadlines.

Structured Workflow:

  • Use project management tools like Trello, Asana, or Jira to track progress.
  • Manage tasks, deadlines, and deliverables.
  • Keep everyone on the same page to ensure projects stay on track.

Foster Team Culture:

  • Organize virtual team-building activities that provide valuable insights into team dynamics and individual contributions.
  • Encourage informal interactions.
  • Build relationships to make remote team members feel more connected to the company.

Regular Feedback and Recognition:

  • Provide regular feedback to keep your team motivated.
  • Celebrate achievements and milestones, no matter how small.
  • Boost morale and encourage a positive work environment.

Case Study: Automattic

Automattic, the company behind WordPress.com, is a prime example of successful remote team management. With over 1,200 employees spread across 77 countries, Automattic has mastered the art of remote work. They prioritize communication and transparency, using tools like Slack and Zoom to keep everyone connected. Regular team meetings and retreats help build a sense of community and alignment with company goals. Automattic also emphasizes results over hours worked, giving employees the flexibility to manage their schedules as long as they meet their objectives.

Building Trust and Accountability

Trust and accountability are important in a remote work environment. Without direct supervision, it’s essential to establish a culture of trust where team members feel responsible for their tasks and deadlines.

Set Clear Expectations:

  • Set clear expectations from the start.
  • Provide necessary resources and support to help your team succeed.

Open Communication and Transparency:

  • Encourage open communication and transparency to attract and engage qualified candidates.
  • Use project management tools to track progress.
  • Hold regular check-ins to discuss issues or roadblocks.
  • Ensure everyone stays on the same page and can address problems promptly.

Recognize and Reward Hard Work:

  • Recognize and reward hard work.
  • Celebrate achievements and acknowledge contributions.
  • Build morale and reinforce a culture of accountability.
  • Show your team that their efforts are valued and appreciated.

Effective Communication Strategies

Effective communication is the backbone of a successful remote design team. Establishing clear communication channels and protocols is essential.

Use a Mix of Communication Tools:

  • Synchronous Tools: Slack or Microsoft Teams are great for quick, real-time communication.
  • Asynchronous Tools: Email and project management tools like Asana or Trello are better for detailed updates and task management.
  • Video Calls: Use Zoom or Google Meet to maintain a personal connection and facilitate in-depth discussions.
  • Social Media Platforms: Utilize platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook for promoting job postings, hosting live Q&A sessions, creating online communities or groups, and sharing engaging content such as employee testimonials to attract potential candidates and showcase company culture.

Set Expectations for Response Times and Availability:

  • Establish when and how to reach out for urgent issues versus routine updates.
  • This helps prevent miscommunication and ensures that everyone stays aligned.

Ensuring Consistent Productivity

Maintaining productivity in a remote setting requires clear goals, structured workflows, and regular check-ins.

Set Measurable Objectives:

  • Define clear goals for your team and break down projects into manageable tasks. This helps in assessing team members' problem-solving skills as they navigate and handle various challenges effectively.
  • Project Management Tools: Use tools like Asana, Trello, or Jira for assigning tasks, setting deadlines, and monitoring progress.

Regular Check-Ins:

  • Accountability: Keep everyone accountable and address challenges or bottlenecks.
  • Meeting Types: These can include daily stand-ups, weekly reviews, or bi-weekly progress meetings, depending on the project's complexity and timeline.

Promote Work-Life Balance:

  • Flexible Hours: Encourage flexible working hours to accommodate different personal schedules.
  • Regular Breaks: Ensure your team takes regular breaks and time off to prevent burnout.

Case Study: Buffer

Buffer, a social media management company, operates with a fully remote team spread across the globe. They have developed a robust system for managing remote work, focusing on transparency, flexibility, and continuous improvement.

Buffer uses a combination of Slack for daily communication, Zoom for weekly team meetings, and Asana for project management. They emphasize transparency, with all company-wide updates and decisions shared openly with the team. This approach fosters trust and ensures that everyone is informed and aligned.

They also prioritize work-life balance, offering flexible schedules and encouraging employees to take time off to recharge. This focus on well-being helps maintain high productivity and job satisfaction.

“Working remotely and having the opportunity to work from home, coffee shops, co-working spaces, or wherever else I might feel the most productive, means that I can design my own mornings because they don’t necessarily need to be spent commuting.” - Joel Gascoigne

CEO and co-founder @ Buffer

Fostering a Positive Remote Work Culture

Creating a positive remote work culture is essential for team cohesion and morale.

Encourage Regular Social Interactions:

  • Virtual Coffee Breaks: Schedule informal interactions like virtual coffee breaks or team-building activities.
  • Building Relationships: These activities help build relationships and make team members feel more connected.

Promote Inclusivity and Respect:

  • Valuing Everyone: Ensure everyone feels valued and heard, regardless of their location.
  • Celebrate Diversity: Encourage team members to share their unique perspectives and experiences.

Provide Professional Growth Opportunities:

  • Training and Development: Offer training programs, workshops, and access to online courses.
  • Invest in Development: Show your commitment to their long-term success by investing in their growth and development.

This investment in their development shows that you value their contributions and are committed to their long-term success.

Case Study: GitLab

GitLab, a DevOps platform, has a fully remote team with over 1,500 employees in more than 65 countries. They have built a strong remote work culture by focusing on inclusivity, transparency, and continuous learning.

GitLab promotes a culture of inclusivity by encouraging open communication and ensuring that all voices are heard. They use Slack for daily communication, Zoom for meetings, and GitLab's own platform for project management and collaboration.

Transparency is a core value at GitLab, with all company documentation and updates shared openly. This approach fosters trust and ensures that everyone is aligned with the company’s goals and vision.

GitLab also invests in continuous learning, offering training programs and resources to help employees develop their skills. They encourage team members to take ownership of their professional growth and provide opportunities for advancement.

Using Technology to Support Remote Work

The right technology can significantly enhance remote work efficiency and collaboration.

Invest in Reliable Project Management Tools:

  • Communication and Project Management Tools: Popular options include Slack, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Trello, Asana, and Jira. For a remote graphic designer, these tools are essential to ensure seamless communication and project tracking.
  • Tailored to Needs: Choose tools that suit your team’s specific needs to enhance productivity and collaboration.

Provide Necessary Resources:

  • Hardware and Software Access: Ensure your team, including remote graphic designers, has the necessary hardware and software for their tasks.
  • Home Office Setup: Provide guidelines for setting up a productive home office, including recommendations for ergonomic furniture and equipment.

Regularly Review and Update Tech Stack:

  • Evolving Needs: Regularly review and update your tech stack to ensure it meets your team’s evolving needs.
  • Encourage Feedback: Gather feedback from team members on the tools they use and make adjustments as needed.

Addressing Security Concerns

Security is a key consideration when managing a remote team. Implement proper security protocols to protect sensitive data and ensure compliance with relevant regulations.

Implement Robust Security Protocols:

  • Secure Communication Channels: When hiring remote workers, it is crucial to use secure communication channels and encourage team members to follow best practices for online security. This ensures that sensitive information remains protected and compliance standards are met.
  • Strong Passwords and Two-Factor Authentication: Emphasize the importance of using strong passwords and enabling two-factor authentication.

Cybersecurity Training:

  • Awareness Training: Provide training on cybersecurity awareness to help your team recognize and avoid potential threats.
  • Regular Updates: Keep the team informed about new security practices and emerging threats.

Use VPNs for Secure Connections:

  • Virtual Private Networks (VPNs): Consider using VPNs to secure remote connections and protect your company’s data.
  • Regular Policy Reviews: Regularly review and update your security policies to address emerging threats and ensure that your team is equipped to handle them.

Case Study: Zapier

Zapier, an automation tool company, operates with a fully remote team spread across multiple countries. They have implemented strong security measures to protect their data and ensure compliance with relevant regulations.

Zapier uses secure communication tools and enforces best practices for online security. They provide regular training on cybersecurity awareness and use VPNs to secure remote connections. These measures help protect their data and maintain the trust of their customers and employees.

Thank you for having read this far. As promised, here’s a reward for you - your bonus tip!

Bonus Tip: Establish Clear Performance Metrics

Establishing clear performance metrics is essential for managing remote designers effectively. These metrics help you track progress, identify areas for improvement, and ensure that your team is meeting its goals.

Start by setting clear and measurable objectives for each project. Break down these objectives into specific tasks and assign deadlines to keep everyone on track. Use project management tools to monitor progress and provide visibility into your team’s performance.

Regularly review these metrics and provide constructive feedback to help your team improve. Recognize and reward high performance to motivate your team and foster a culture of excellence.

Tips for Success

  • Clear Communication: Establish regular check-ins and use multiple channels to ensure everyone stays connected.
  • Set Clear Expectations: Define roles, responsibilities, and deadlines clearly to avoid confusion.
  • Use the Right Tools: Invest in reliable project management and communication tools.
  • Foster Team Culture: Encourage social interactions and team-building activities to build rapport.
  • Provide Feedback: Regular feedback helps employees understand their performance and areas for improvement.
  • Flexibility: Allow for flexible work hours to accommodate different time zones and personal schedules.

Wrapping Up

Hiring and managing remote designers can bring significant benefits to your business, from accessing a global talent pool to increasing flexibility and reducing costs. However, it requires clear communication, effective management strategies, and the right tools to ensure success. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this guide, you can build and maintain a productive, cohesive, and motivated remote design team. Remember, the key to success lies in fostering a positive remote work culture and continuously adapting your approach to meet the needs of your team.

Implementing these strategies can help you overcome the challenges of remote work and unlock the full potential of your remote design team. With the right approach, you can create a dynamic and innovative team that drives your business forward.

Founder's Guide to Creative Hiring







Written by

Samrudhi Dash

Author , Bibliophile, Content Creator, Marketing Strategist, Employer Branding Evangelist