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July 10, 2024

How to Create a Test Assignment for Hiring Designers for Your Team: Evaluate Candidates Properly

Discover how to create effective test assignments for hiring designers that reveal their true skills and fit for your design team making the interview process easier and more insightful
Sarthak Mishra
July 10, 2024
min read
min read
July 10, 2024
Sarthak Mishra
CEO, Founder

Hiring the right designer for your team is important for your project’s success and overall business growth. Designers are not just about creating visually appealing graphics; they play a key role in user experience (UX), brand identity, and the overall functionality of your product or service. Design leaders, in particular, demonstrate leadership in design, understand the business impact of design work, and can significantly improve your project, making it more engaging, user-friendly, and aligned with your brand’s vision.

One of the most effective ways to assess a designer’s capabilities is through a well-crafted test assignment. This approach goes beyond traditional interviews, offering companies a hands-on method to evaluate candidates’ real-world skills and suitability to best work for your team.

Creating a test assignment allows you to see how candidates think and work, revealing their true potential. It helps you understand their ability to tackle design challenges, use essential design tools like Sketch, Figma, or Adobe XD, and bring fresh, innovative ideas to the table. Additionally, test assignments highlight how meticulously candidates handle the finer aspects of design, such as typography and spacing, and how effectively they manage their time to meet deadlines.

This guide will walk you through creating an effective test assignment that reveals candidates’ true skills and fit for your team. By focusing on problem-solving skills, technical knowledge and proficiency, leadership, creativity, attention to detail, and time management, you can hire the best talent to drive your projects forward.

Why Test Assignments Matter in the Hiring Process of Designers

Problem-Solving Skills:

Design is as much about solving problems as it is about aesthetics. A test assignment can reveal how candidates approach and resolve design challenges throughout the design process, providing valuable insight into their critical thinking and innovative solutions. By presenting real-world problems, you can see their thought process and ability to overcome obstacles.

Technical Proficiency:

In today’s digital world, proficiency with design tools like Sketch, Figma, or Adobe XD is essential for any graphic designer. Test assignments allow you to see firsthand how comfortable candidates are with these tools and their ability to deliver high-quality design work. This helps ensure they can execute their creative vision effectively.

Creativity and Innovation:

Fresh ideas and unique perspectives are vital for a standout design. A well-crafted assignment can showcase a candidate's creativity, pushing the boundaries of conventional design to bring new and exciting concepts to the table. This is crucial for keeping your brand and products innovative and engaging.

Attention to Detail:

The finer aspects of design, such as typography, spacing, and alignment, can make a significant difference. Test assignments help you evaluate a candidate’s meticulousness and precision in their work. Attention to detail often distinguishes good design from the work of a great designer, ensuring a polished and professional final product.

Time Management:

In a fast-paced work environment, managing time effectively is crucial. By setting a deadline for the assignment, you can assess how well candidates balance quality with efficiency, ensuring they can meet project timelines without using additional resources or compromising on standards. This evaluation helps you find designers who can deliver high-quality work within tight schedules, a key asset for the creative director of any team.

Crafting the Perfect Test Assignment

Creating an effective test assignment for hiring designers involves a strategic learning approach to ensure you evaluate the necessary skills while respecting candidates' time. Here’s how to craft an assignment that effectively assesses potential hires:

1. Define Your Needs:

Start by clearly identifying the specific skills and capabilities you need in your team. Are you looking for strong UX design capabilities, exceptional visual design prowess, or perhaps a combination of both? Understanding your requirements is crucial as it guides the focus of the assignment and ensures it targets the areas most critical for the candidate's role. This step sets the foundation for creating a test that aligns with your project's needs and the designer’s role within your team.

2. Set the Complexity Level:

It's important to balance the complexity of the assignment to ensure it is challenging and interesting enough to test the designer's abilities but not so overwhelming that it discourages talented candidates who may have limited time. The complexity should mirror real-world tasks they would handle on the job, providing insights into learning how they manage typical job challenges.

3. Specify Time Commitment:

Clearly define the expected time commitment for the assignment to respect candidates’ time and other commitments. A typical test assignment should take about 4-8 hours to complete. This duration is sufficient to challenge the candidates and reveal their skills without being overly burdensome. Setting a reasonable time frame also reflects well on your company’s respect for potential employees. In my own opinion, while test assignments should not necessarily be paid, the candidate's effort during the recruitment process should be acknowledged in some way.

4. Detail Key Deliverables:

Specify what you expect the candidates to deliver at the end of the assignment. This could include wireframes for a UX designer, mockups for a visual designer, or prototypes if the job requires handling more interactive elements. For clarity and fairness, also provide a detailed explanation of what these deliverables should include. This might mean specifying the fidelity of wireframes or the level of detail in mockups. Providing clear expectations helps candidates understand how to best showcase their skills and ensures you receive comparable results for fair assessment.

By following these steps, you create a test assignment that not only effectively evaluates a designer's skills and fit for your team but also respects the candidate's time and effort. This thoughtful approach to creating test assignments can help companies attract top talent while ensuring a fair and insightful evaluation process.

Key Elements to Include

To make your test assignment comprehensive and insightful, it’s essential to incorporate several key elements. These elements help provide clarity to the candidates and ensure you effectively evaluate their skills and approach:

1. Brief Description:

Start the interview with a clear problem statement and the desired outcome. Detail what you want the candidate to achieve, providing enough context to understand the scope and objectives of the project managers' assignment. A well-defined brief sets the stage for the candidate to approach the task with a clear understanding of your expectations.

2. Target Audience:

Specify the user personas or demographics relevant to the assignment. By providing details sharing insights about the target audience, you help candidates tailor their designs to real user needs and preferences. This insight ensures that the design solutions are user-centric and relevant to your project’s goals.

3. Design Constraints:

Mention any brand guidelines, design systems, or specific requirements that must be adhered to. These constraints simulate real-world conditions and challenge candidates to think creatively within set limits. Including design constraints helps you assess how well candidates can innovate while respecting brand and project requirements.

4. Evaluation Criteria:

Clearly outline how you will evaluate the assignment. This can include various factors such as creativity, usability, adherence to the brief, and overall visual appeal. Providing detailed evaluation criteria ensures candidates understand what aspects of their portfolio and work will be scrutinized and helps you maintain consistency and fairness in your assessment.

By incorporating these key elements, you as leaders can create a test assignment that is both comprehensive and insightful. This structured approach not only provides candidates with enough time and a clear understanding of the task but also enables you to evaluate their capabilities effectively, ensuring you find the best fit and leader for your team.

Example Test Assignments

Task 1: Redesign a Landing Page

Brief: Redesign the landing page for "EcoTech."

  • Objectives: Improve engagement and conversion rates.
  • Deliverables: Wireframes, mockups, design explanation.
  • Target Audience: Tech-savvy, environmentally conscious individuals.
  • Design Constraints: Use provided brand guidelines.
  • Evaluation Criteria: Creativity, usability, visual appeal.

In this task, interested candidates are required to understand and address the needs of tech-savvy, environmentally-conscious users. The goal is to create a landing page that not only looks appealing but also boosts user engagement and conversion rates. By adhering to provided brand guidelines, candidates demonstrate their industry knowledge and ability to work within existing brand parameters while still delivering innovative solutions.

Task 2: Mobile App Interface Design

Brief: Design an interface for "FitTrack."

  • Objectives: Enhance engagement and navigation.
  • Deliverables: Wireframes, interactive prototype, design justification.
  • Target Audience: Fitness enthusiasts.
  • Design Constraints: Follow provided wireframe structure.
  • Evaluation Criteria: UI design, functionality, adherence to brief.

This task challenges candidates to design a user-friendly interface for a fitness app. The focus is on creating an engaging and navigable UI that appeals to fitness enthusiasts. By following a given software wireframe structure, candidates must show their ability to enhance and refine pre-existing layouts, ensuring the final design is both functional and visually appealing.

Task 3: Create a Brand Identity

Brief: Develop a brand identity for "Brew Bliss."

  • Objectives: Create a logo, color palette, typography, sample menu, and flyer.
  • Deliverables: Logo options, color palette, typography, menu, flyer.
  • Target Audience: Urban professionals and coffee enthusiasts.
  • Design Constraints: Modern, cozy, sustainable themes.
  • Evaluation Criteria: Creativity, consistency, alignment with values.

For this assignment, candidates must develop a cohesive brand identity for a coffee shop that appeals to urban professionals and coffee enthusiasts. The design should reflect modern, cozy, and sustainable themes. By producing a logo, color palette, typography, illustration, sample menu, and flyer, candidates demonstrate their ability to create a unified brand image that resonates with the target audience and aligns with the brand's core values.

Task 4: E-Commerce Website Redesign

Brief: Redesign the product page for "FashionForward," an e-commerce website specializing in sustainable fashion.

  • Objectives: Increase user engagement and conversion rates.
  • Deliverables: Wireframes, high-fidelity mockups, and design explanation.
  • Target Audience: Eco-conscious fashion enthusiasts, primarily aged 18-35.
  • Design Constraints: Maintain the existing color scheme and typography.
  • Evaluation Criteria: User experience, visual appeal, adherence to brief, creativity.

This task requires candidates to redesign a product page for an e-commerce company' website, focusing on user engagement and conversion rates. The design should cater to eco-conscious fashion enthusiasts and adhere to the company' existing color scheme and typography. This assignment assesses candidates' ability to enhance user experience while maintaining brand consistency.

Task 5: Social Media Campaign Design

Brief: Create a series of social media posts for "HealthyHabits," a health and wellness brand.

  • Objectives: Boost engagement and brand awareness on Instagram and Facebook.
  • Deliverables: 5 Instagram posts, 5 Facebook posts, design explanations.
  • Target Audience: Health-conscious individuals aged 25-45.
  • Design Constraints: Follow the brand's visual guidelines, including logo, colors, and fonts.
  • Evaluation Criteria: Creativity, visual consistency, adherence to brand guidelines, engagement potential.

In this task, candidates need to design a series of social media posts aimed at boosting engagement and brand awareness for a health and wellness brand portfolio. The posts should be visually appealing and consistent with the organization or brand’s visual guidelines. This task evaluates the candidate's ability to create engaging content that aligns with the organization or brand’s identity and appeals to the target audience.

By incorporating these example test assignments into your hiring process, you can effectively evaluate candidates' skills and suitability for your expert team together. These tasks cover a range of design challenges, providing a comprehensive assessment of each candidate and expert team's abilities in different aspects of design.

Tips for Evaluating Test Assignments

When reviewing test assignments and work samples from potential design hires, it’s essential to consider a range of factors, including soft skills, to ensure you make the best choice for your team.

Here are a few helpful ways and some helpful and important tips to guide your evaluation process:

1. Consistency:

Ensure the design aligns with the brief and meets all specified requirements. Consistent adherence to the project guidelines demonstrates the candidate's ability to follow directions accurately and understand the project's objectives. Look for answers on how well they have incorporated all the elements mentioned in the brief and whether the final design stays true to the initial requirements.

2. Creativity:

Look for innovative solutions and fresh ideas that make the design stand out. Creativity is vital in design as it can set your product apart and captivate your audience. Evaluate how well the candidate pushes the boundaries of conventional design to deliver unique and original concepts. Consider if their ideas bring something new to the table and if they show potential for further creative growth within your team.

3. Technical Skills:

Assess the candidate’s proficiency with essential design tools such as Sketch, Figma, or Adobe XD. Technical competence is crucial for a team member in translating the creative process and ideas into practical, high-quality designs. Check for the use of advanced features and techniques within these tools and whether the candidate can produce polished and professional outcomes.

4. User-Centric Design:

Examine the candidate’s understanding of and design for the target audience, a crucial skill for top designers. User-centric designs improve usability and user satisfaction, reflecting a designer’s ability to create solutions that resonate with end-users. Look for evidence that the candidate has considered user needs, behaviors, and pain points in their design. This can include user-friendly navigation, intuitive interfaces, and designs that cater to the specific preferences of the target demographic.

5. Communication Skills:

Consider how clearly the candidate explains their design choices, strategies and thought processes. Good communication skills are essential for collaboration and ensuring that all team members understand the design rationale. Review the design explanations provided with the assignment, and assess whether the candidate can articulate their decisions clearly and concisely. This includes justifying design elements, explaining user flow, using feedback and discussing any challenges they faced and how they overcame them.

6. Time Management:

Check if the candidate met the deadline for the assignment. Efficient time management indicates reliability and professionalism, which are crucial in a fast-paced work environment. Evaluate not only whether they completed the assignment on time but also the quality of work produced within the given timeframe. This can give insight into their ability to balance and deliver quality work along with efficiency.

7. Attention to Detail:

Look for meticulousness in design elements such as typography, spacing, and alignment. Attention to detail enhances the overall quality and polish of the design, showing the candidate's dedication to excellence. Pay attention to how consistent and precise they are with minor details, which can significantly impact the design's final appearance and usability.

8. Problem-Solving Ability:

Evaluate the candidate’s approach to and resolution of design challenges. Problem-solving skills are essential for overcoming obstacles and improving the functionality and aesthetics of the design. Consider how they tackled any constraints or difficulties mentioned in the brief and whether they proposed effective and innovative solutions. This can include how they handled limited resources, conflicting requirements, or any other specific challenges presented in the assignment.

9. Adaptability:

Assess the candidate's flexibility within constraints and requirements. Adaptability shows that the candidate can handle real-world limitations and still produce high-quality work, demonstrating resilience and creativity under pressure. Look for instances where the candidate has effectively navigated constraints such as strict brand guidelines, tight deadlines, or specific user needs while still delivering a compelling and functional design.

By keeping these tips and strategies in mind, you can comprehensively evaluate test assignments, ensuring you select a designer who not only possesses the necessary skills, passion and creativity but also aligns with your team leader's needs and work culture.

Balancing Subjectivity and Objectivity

While evaluating creative work can be subjective, it's important to have objective criteria to guide your assessments. Develop a scoring system that considers various factors such as creativity, technical proficiency, adherence to the brief, and overall presentation. This balanced approach helps ensure a fair and comprehensive evaluation of each candidate's work.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

When designing test assignments, it's important to be mindful of legal and ethical considerations. Ensure that the tasks you assign do not exploit candidates by asking for free labor on real projects. Test assignments should be purely for evaluation purposes and not for completing actual work that benefits your company. Respecting candidates' rights and maintaining ethical standards is essential for a fair hiring process.

Wrapping Up

Creating a test assignment for hiring designers is a key step in building a strong design team. A well-designed test reveals candidates' problem-solving skills, technical proficiency, creativity, and more. By understanding your needs, setting clear objectives, and including key elements in the assignment, you can effectively evaluate candidates and find the perfect fit for your team.

Remember to provide realistic feedback on interview scenarios and structured evaluation criteria to ensure a fair and insightful hiring process. With the support and thoughtful planning and execution, you’ll be well on your way to discovering talented designers who can drive innovation and excellence in your projects portfolio.

Founder's Guide to Creative Hiring







Written by

Sarthak Mishra

Design Strategist, Entrepreneurial Storyteller, Problem Solver. Currently building Drool to simplify design operations for early-stage startups.