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May 17, 2024


Leveraging User Testimonials to Boost Conversion

Dive into the secrets of gathering user testimonials just like the big brands do and don’t miss our bonus tip that keeps the success rolling
Samrudhi Dash
May 17, 2024
min read
min read
May 17, 2024
Samrudhi Dash
Marketing Lead

In today’s fast-paced SaaS landscape, standing out is more than just delivering a great product — it’s about showcasing real-life success stories. User testimonials are powerful endorsements that can significantly boost your brand’s credibility. These are not just comments; they’re your gold stars, your word-of-mouth in the digital age.

But how do you get them? Let’s walk through this, inspired by well-known brands that aced the testimonial game.

Making Feedback Easy

Think about Amazon for a moment. Have you ever bought something just because the reviews were overwhelmingly positive? That’s the power of testimonials. Amazon makes leaving reviews easy and encourages it post-purchase, showing us the first lesson: make giving feedback as simple as possible for your users.

What can SaaS startups learn from this? Make it incredibly easy for your users to leave feedback. After a customer has experienced your product for a while, send a friendly email inviting them to share their thoughts. Automate this process to ensure no user is missed, and always express genuine appreciation for their input. It’s about creating an environment where feedback is valued and acted upon.

Incentivizing Testimonials

Dropbox’s referral program is a classic example of incentivizing users to spread the word. Remember how Dropbox grew by giving extra storage space for every friend you referred? That’s leveraging testimonials with a twist. Users not only shared their positive experiences but also became brand advocates.

Dropbox’s referral program is a classic example of incentivizing users to spread the word about your product or service.

For your startup, think about what value you can offer for testimonials. It could be extended trial periods or features exclusive to users who share their love for your service. The key is to offer something that encourages users to spread the word.

Storytelling Through Testimonials

Apple turns its user testimonials into storytelling. Visit their website, and you’ll see stories of how their products fit into people’s lives. This approach transforms a testimonial into a relatable story.

Apple’s success stories of users make its products more relatable while addressing users pain-points.

For your startup, this means digging deeper into each testimonial to craft stories that highlight how your product solves specific problems or enhances productivity. Use these stories on your website, in your marketing materials, and on social media to connect on an emotional level with potential customers.

Strategic Placement

How do you ensure these testimonials are seen? Take a page from Slack’s playbook. Slack features user testimonials right where new visitors can’t miss them: on their homepage. It’s not tucked away; it’s front and center.

Strategic Placement of User Testimonials by Slack is a smart move, urging visitors to go through these.

Your takeaway? Place testimonials where they make an impact. This could be your website’s homepage, the landing pages for your key features, or even your email signature. The goal is to ensure these positive endorsements are hard to miss.

Enhancing User Experience

Gathering testimonials is one thing, but using them effectively is another. Netflix’s user ratings and reviews guide viewers to shows they might like. It’s a testimonial system that not only builds trust but also enhances user experience.

This approach can be adapted by SaaS startups by integrating testimonials into product tutorials, help sections, or as part of AI-driven recommendations. It’s about using real user feedback to guide potential customers, showing them how others have benefited from your product.

Thank you for reading this far. As promised, here’s a small gift for you!

Bonus Tip: Continuous Engagement

Finally, remember that gathering testimonials is not a one-off task but a continuous journey. A stellar example of this is Spotify and its Year in Review feature. Spotify engages its users by providing them with personalized yearly summaries that highlight their listening habits. This clever engagement strategy does more than just entertain; it prompts users to share their unique summaries on social media, effectively turning them into testimonials of the Spotify experience.

Spotify’s Year in Review is an example of next-level personalization, a tactic that helps it gather more feedback and make users feel they are a part of the brand.

For your SaaS startup, take inspiration from Spotify by keeping the conversation going. Regularly check in with your users, especially after releasing new features or updates. Ask for their feedback and genuinely show how their contributions are helping shape your product. Highlighting user feedback in your updates or newsletters, much like Spotify showcases user trends, not only keeps your users engaged but also encourages them to share their positive experiences with others.

This approach of continuous engagement transforms your users into an active community. They don’t just use your product; they contribute to its evolution and become its advocates. By integrating this strategy, you’re not only gathering testimonials but also building lasting relationships with your users, fostering a sense of belonging and loyalty to your brand.

Wrapping It Up:

In conclusion, gathering testimonials as a SaaS startup means asking at the right time, offering value in return, turning feedback into engaging stories, showcasing them prominently, and using them to enhance customer experience. Each of these steps, inspired by brands that have nailed the testimonial game, can help you build credibility, trust, and ultimately, a stronger connection with your audience.

Remember, every testimonial is a story waiting to be told. It’s about giving your users a voice and letting their experiences champion your brand. So, start gathering those testimonials and let them do the talking.

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Written by

Samrudhi Dash

Author , Bibliophile, Content Creator, Marketing Strategist, Employer Branding Evangelist